Not saying we have worse problems than women, but how hard is it to have a pair of balls is often not thought about. You know what, maybe we are saying it's worse. We mean, have women ever felt fear as accurate as testicular torsion? Here are 9 testicular problems that prove just how tough it can be to have a pair of balls.
Sweaty Balls
Since there is a lot of free flapping skin hanging down there, it gets sweaty, and it gets gross. Even if the temperature goes up by merely a degree, we start sweating like nobody's business. Almost all of us have used the restroom to splash some water on the sweaty, gross junk once or twice. A way to lessen this trouble is by using the Menhood Trimmer to trim our ball hair and make it a little less crowded down there.
Ending Up Sitting On Them
What if you're gunning for a chair, and as soon as you sit down on it, you end up putting all of your body weight onto one compassionate body part. The most sensitive body part, to be specific, is your scrotum. That pain is out of the world, and we would do almost anything in the world to avoid it.
Stubble On Our Balls
Most of the time, even after trimming our body parts, our ball sack skins rub against each other, and the stubble is highly annoying and problematic. The Menhood Trimmer does not leave any stubble behind, giving a smooth experience.
The Ever-Changing Size
Our balls during sex double in size. This change is not permanent, though, and they consequently deflate afterwards. It is a very problematic situation that weirds most of us out.
Fluid Buildup
A slightly common condition is fluid buildup around the testicles. This condition is called Hydrocele. This condition might affect one or both the testicles, and it may cause swelling in the scrotum and groin area. The situation is not harmful and painful, and it rarely requires treatment, but the fluid and swelling need to be evacuated by a medical professional.
Sticking To Our Legs
If you ever see a guy awkwardly standing looking like they're trying to do a split but not quite correctly, then you know what it is. The humidity can lead to our balls sticking to our legs, which is the only way we can get them to separate. A way to help with the moisture is using a Menhood Trimmer to trim the hair down there, making things a little spacier for us.
Different In Size From Each Other
Kind of similar to breasts, balls are rarely of the same size. One is slightly bigger than the other, making us look asymmetrical and lumpy down there. Nobody likes looking asymmetrical, especially not down there. But, hey, maybe you can trim one using the Menhood Trimmer and let both look the same. Just kidding, don't do that. Trim them both, and it's unhygienic.
Testicular Torsion, The Worst of Them All
This condition occurs when our spermatic cord gets twisted and cuts off our blood supply. In basic terms, our testicles wrestle and get tangled within our scrotum, cut our circulation, and cause unimaginable pain. Kind of like childbirth, but you know it doesn't result in the gift of life.
Blue Balls Are Not A Joke
Even though our balls do not turn blue literally, many fluid build ups cause a lot of discomfort—discomfort when you have to pee but you can't for some reason. Sex is not always a necessity to get rid of blue balls, and they do go away on their own.
These were some of the most common testicular problems that men have to face, and some of the solutions to these problems include trimming your balls using a Menhood Trimmer. Others require actual medical attention.
However, a trimmer for men's private part is a choice worth making, in any case, considering the hygiene it provides.